Welcome to GSK Manufacturing & Supply Chain IT Strategy

Created by Martin 8 years ago
Back in 2000 I was very fortunate to be promoted to lead a team in GlaxoSmithKline at Ware. The only problem was I didn’t know much about Pharmaceutical manufacturing and supply chains. However, I had Sally on my team and she pretty much knew everything. From the first day she was welcoming and supportive to the new guy.

Her amazing support was complemented by her ability to develop people which also helped with others on the team including two new graduates who had an amazing start to their careers working with Sally. By the time I moved to a team in corporate a few years later Sally probably still knew more in her little finger about manufacturing but we had a firm friendship.

That friendship continued past work into Sally’s retirement with Paul, with many happy memories visiting and also going to see Sally take on numerous roles in plays.

When Sally and Paul moved to the south west we managed to stay in touch occasionally but at least Facebook and Paul’s blogging has kept us connected.

While this message is but a moment in Sally’s life she has left many memories. She also leaves behind a husband Paul, who we also got to know over the years and theirs was truly a partnership.

Paul – your devotion and support for Sally is an example to everyone of true love, and our thoughts are with you.